
Your Guide to Navigating Parenthood

Parent Support:

Welcome to a valuable resource for navigating the ups and downs of raising little ones. Here, you'll find support for toddlers experiencing big feelings, stay-at-home learning activities to keep your child engaged and curious, tips for making the most of library visits with a growing toddler, and advice on managing eczema in babies and youth.

Whether you're seeking guidance on handling emotions, looking for innovative learning opportunities, or searching for ways to care for your child's sensitive skin, let this page be your go-to source for tips to help you and your child thrive!

There also may be a special page for my fellow caterpillar fans coming soon!

You will always be your child’s favorite toy.
— Vicki Lansky, author

All you need is a printer!

COMING May 10, 2024

  • As a seasoned eczema mama, I've been through the struggles of dealing with sensitive skin, wasting money on countless products that promised miracles, and navigating the heartbreaking cries of a baby who couldn't express themselves other than through tears. Trust me, I get it – the postpartum struggles are real. But fear not, because on this page, you'll find tips, insights, and product recommendations that have been game-changers for us. From soothing creams and gentle bath products to our decision to opt for a monthly Dupixent shot over watching our little one suffer with incessant scratching, I'll be sharing it all. So, stay tuned and get ready to find some much-needed support and guidance on this challenging journey of parenting a little one with eczema. Together, we'll navigate through the flare-ups and find moments of relief and comfort. You're not alone – we've got this!

  • I understand the challenges of calming down a toddler when emotions run high – trust me, it's no walk in the park! But fear not, on this page, you'll find simple activities we use in our home, insights into the cozy space we've created in our shared bedroom for those moments of heightened emotions, and tips for keeping yourself calm while your little one navigates through their big feelings (and sometimes strong words). So, stay tuned and get ready to discover some invaluable tools and strategies to support your toddler through the rollercoaster of emotions that come with growing up. Together, we'll create a safe and nurturing environment where your little one can learn to express and manage their feelings with confidence.


  • Your sweet little baby may be gone but your independent toddler is on the way! I’ll be sharing a plethora of tips and tricks to empower your little one to spread their wings and fly solo. From nifty tricks that teach left from right to embracing their unique fashion sense by letting them choose their own outfits, fostering independence may seem daunting at first, but fear not – there are plenty of ways to let it happen naturally…like getting their input on which “big kid” bed they like best.

  • Ready to sink your teeth into my upcoming teething support page?! I'll be dishing out all the juicy details on natural ways to soothe teething at home and sharing my personal favorite teething finds from stores all around. Oh, and let's not forget about the delightful struggles of teething while breastfeeding – because, that was fun! From herbal remedies and DIY teething toys to tried-and-true techniques for managing the discomfort, this page will be your go-to resource as your little one sprouts their first tooth and morphs into a toddler who's suddenly gnawing on blankets to ease those pesky molar growths. So, stay tuned and get ready to navigate the teething journey with a mix of humor as you learn you actually need to teach your child how to use their new teeth!

  • As someone who adores watching movies and shows with my toddler, I've discovered countless opportunities to spark meaningful conversations and instill important life lessons through visual storytelling. From discussing empathy and kindness to exploring diverse cultures and identities, we'll delve into the rich world of media and uncover its potential as a catalyst for learning and growth. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery, as we harness the power of visuals to inspire curiosity, foster empathy, and ignite imaginations. Let's unlock the magic of media together as I share new ways to watch the same movies over and over!

  • Get ready to dive into my upcoming saves and favs page, where I'll be sharing all of my absolute favorite go-to parent items that have been lifesavers on our adventures. Whether you're navigating bustling city streets, hopping on and off buses, or strolling through the neighborhood with your little one in a stroller, I've got you covered with tried-and-true products that make every trip a breeze. From compact strollers and ergonomic baby carriers to ingenious diaper bags and must-have accessories, I've discovered some gems that have truly elevated our outings. So, stay tuned and get excited to discover some game-changing gear that'll revolutionize your parenting journey. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on these lifesavers!